Monday, August 01, 2005

Instant surrealism

I googled an e-mail domain this morning to see where an OTN forum poster was (literally) coming from. When I found it was a Chinese web site I couldn't resist clicking on the Translate This Page option. It's obviously an entertainment site and a description of a movie (or several movies???) generated this cool surrealist poem:

Neat icy cold one summer with beautiful woman bright one both eyes
- < Comedian clown wonderful soldier > wears the mask ??
- " Love map " three metropolises foreign lands love
- " Fords grain language " the militarism reactionary gang history
- < Sentiment confuses forbidden fruit > the Russian desire metropolis
- " Thirstily strives for ?? " and likes to the ethyl alcohol relying on
- " The Paris person " the amphoteric war initiation disputes
- " Paris sweetheart, New York sofa " fate
- " Milk price " lover and cows
- " Red apricot leaves wall " the classical family ethics piece

Andre Breton, you should be living now!

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