Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Questionnaire on Virtual Communities

Imène Ben Yahia, a doctoral student at L'Université Paris IX Dauphine, has posted a questionnaire about participation in online communities, meaning discussion board, newsgroups, usersgroups, etc, focused on software products. That is, they are collecting data on things like the OTN Forums rather than Second Life.

If you feel like helping out there is an English version here. The translation from the original French is a bit odd (it says "editor" meaning "software vendor" or "forum moderator"). The Francophone amongst you may want to check out the French version instead.


Laurent Schneider said...

very odd!

in french you have nothing between souvent and jamais, and tous les jours means very often and plusieur fois par jour means every day.

the color and design could be optimized too, imho

Nicolas Gasparotto said...

Andrew, you are too kind with French people and french language.
If "vendeur/vendor" means who sales a product, "editeur/editor" is who write it. The two are not always the same. That's why we used "editeur" for "software vendor".

APC said...

>> "editeur/editor" is who write it.

But editing something is a completely different process from writing something. Why not auteur?

Cheers, APC