Tuesday, November 13, 2007

OOW2K7: Doug Burns - A clarification

In my post about the ACEs' dinner I described Doug Burns as being extremely jet-lagged. Some people have interpreted this as meaning Doug had taken too much drink. This is not the case. Doug really is jet-lagged. Honest he is. Anytime you see Doug with a beer in his hand you can be sure it's definitely for medicinal purposes only.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarification.

When he is still 'jet lagged' at the Bloggers dinner, we will know exactly what you mean :-)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, so given that you've had a beer in your hand each time I've been talking to you, that must make you really jet-lagged too, right?

APC said...

No, I just like beer ;)

Anonymous said...

Me, too! ;-)

Anonymous said...

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