Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Introducing the RCCASS design principles

Rob C Martin actually defined eleven principles for OOP. The first five, the SOLID principles, relate to individual classes. The other six, the RCCASS principles, deal with the design of packages (in the C++ or Java sense, i.e. libraries). They are far less known than the first five. There are two reasons for this:

  • Unlike "SOLID", "RCCASS" is awkward to say and doesn't form a neat mnemonic. 
  • Programmers are far less interested in software architecture. 

Software architecture tends to be an alien concept in PL/SQL. Usually a codebase of packages simply accretes over the years, like a coral reef. Perhaps the RCCASS principles can help change that.

The RCCASS Principles

Reuse Release Equivalency Principle 

The Reuse Release Equivalency Principle states that the unit of release matches the unit of reuse, which is the parts of the program unit which are consumed by other programs. Basically the unit of release defines the scope of regression testing for consuming applications. It's an ill-mannered release which forces projects to undertake unnecessary regression testing. Cohesive program units allow consumers to do regression testing only for functionality they actually use. It's less of a problem for PL/SQL because (unlike C++ libraries of Java jars) the unit of release can have a very low level of granularity: individual packages or stored procedures.

Common Reuse Principle 

The Common Reuse principle supports the definition of cohesive program units. Functions which share a dependency belong together, because they are likely to be used together belong together. For instance, procedures which maintain the Employees table should be co-located in one package (or a group of related packages). They will share sub-routines, constants and exceptions. Packaging related procedures together makes the package easier to write and easier for calling programs to use.

Common Closure Principle

The Common Closure principle supports also the definition of cohesive program units. Functions which share a dependency belong together, because they have a common axis of change. Common Closure helps to minimise the number of program units affected by a change. For instance, programs which use the Employees table may need to change if the structure of the table changes. All the changes must be released together: table, PL/SQL, types, etc.

Acyclic Dependencies Principle 

Avoid cyclic dependencies between program units: if package A depends on package B then B must not have a dependency on B. Cyclic dependencies make application hard to use and harder to deploy. The dependency graph shows the order in which objects must be built. Designing a dependency graph upfront is futile, but we can keep to rough guidelines. Higher level packages implementing business rules tend to depend on generic routines which in turn tend to depend on low-level utilities. There should be no application logic in those lower-level routines. If SALES requires a special logging implementation then that should be handled in the SALES subsystem not in the standard logging package.

Stable Dependencies Principle 

Any change to the implementation of a program unit which is widely used will generate regression tests for all the programs which call it. At the most extreme, a change to a logging routine could affect all the other programs in our application. As with the Open/Closed Principle we need to fix bugs. But new features should be introduced by extension not modification. And refactoring of low-level dependencies must not done on a whim.

Stable Abstractions Principle

Abstractions are dependencies, especially when we're talking about PL/SQL. So this Principle is quite similar to Stable Dependencies Principle. The key difference is that this relates to the definition of interfaces rather than implementation. A change to the signature of a logging routine could require code changes to all the other programs in the application. Obviously this is even more inconvenient than enforced regression testing. Avoid changing the signature of a public procedure or the projection of a public view. Again, extension rather than modification is the preferred approach.

Applicability of RCCASS principles in PL/SQL 

The focus of these principles is the stability of a shared codebase, and minimising the impact of change on the consumers of our code. This is vital in large projects, where communication between teams is often convoluted. It is even more important for open source or proprietary libraries.

We we can apply Common Reuse Principle and Common Closure Principle to define the scope of the Reuse Release Equivalency Principle, and hence define the boundaries of a sub-system (whisper it, schema). Likewise we can apply the Stable Dependencies Principle and Stable Abstractions Principle to enforce the Acyclic Dependencies Principle to build stables PL/SQL libraries. So the RCCASS principles offer some most useful pointers towards a stable PL/SQL software architecture.

Part of the Designing PL/SQL Programs series

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